The Importance of Trademark Indonesia for a New Start-Up Business

The Importance of Trademark Indonesia for a New Start-Up Business

The Importance of Trademark Indonesia for a New Start-Up Business – A lot of young adults in Indonesia start their career by being involved in the Start-Up world. Some of them start as a crew member, while others build their start-up dream. Take a look at Gojek, which is legitimately registered in trademark Indonesia, Gojek is a very famous Indonesia start-up that successfully grew big.

The Importance of Trademark Indonesia for a New Start-Up Business

The financial support is not the only property Gojek has, but also the ownership of intellectual property. Now, what is intellectual property, trademark, and what is the importance of those for a new start-up?
Trademark Indonesia: Gojek, The Indonesia Biggest Start-Up

Gojek, at first was only a transportation application, where you can book a motorcycle or car driver along with the vehicles to get you somewhere you want. At first, it might have just adopted the system of Uber or Grab. Especially, there was no similar application as Uber or Grab in Indonesia.

Their trademark is a green and black logo, while the drivers’ logo is a man riding a motorcycle with a signal symbol on his head. This is their branding. If someone saw this logo, they immediately recall the name of Gojek.

Furthermore, Gojek has evolved into a bigger application with more functions. Take a look at Go-massage, for example. Where you can book private masseurs. This is pretty brilliant, since Indonesian love being massaged, and most masseurs in Indonesia are traditionally selling their services, which needs more of an effort. Therefore, Gojek facilitates both of the parties and gains more of a profit. This is what intellectual property is.

The other example for Gojek is their Halodoc service, where you can do a consultation with a doctor virtually through an application, or even ask the Gojek drivers to bring them medicines they need. This is a very bright idea of Gojek that helps more people to receive health facilities, and thus, make more profit for Gojek.

There are also other facilities Gojek has for the users, and it will be too much to explain it one by one.
Imagine if Gojek Did Not Register Their Trademark

If Gojek did not or never register their trademark, imagine how many irresponsible parties that will take advantage of the name Gojek. They might steal the idea of Go-massage, or even Halodoc.

Even worse, those parties can create a new start-up using the name “Gojeg”, with a similar logo, same services, and steal everything Gojek put in the first place. If Gojek did not register for a legitimate trademark, they can do nothing to the irresponsible parties.

In other scenarios, it might be possible for Grab or Uber to accuse Gojek of stealing their idea of a transportation application. Gojek would be in very much trouble by then. By registering the trademark, Gojek has a bigger opportunity to claim their original idea.

That is why a start-up needs to register a trademark to protect its intellectual property. It prevents the possibilities of idea-theft and worse scenarios, such as being accused of imitating the bigger company.

Applying for a trademark does cost a lot. But that cost is nothing compared to the fine money of being accused of stealing intellectual property. Last but not least, everyone knows how valuable an idea is.

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